Christan Grant, Ph.D.

Contact Information

CSE Building, Room E364
P.O. Box 116120
Gainesville, FL 32611
Tel: +1-352-392-0054
Fax: +1-352-392-1220
ORCiD: 0000-0002-6684-3620

Spring '23
Fall '22
Fall '22
Summ '22
Spring '22
Fall '21
Fall '21
Summ '21
Spring '21
Spring '21
Fall '20
Spring '20
Spring '20
Fall '19
Spring '19
Spring '19
Fall '18
SpringB '18
Weapons of Math Destruction
Spring '18
Text Analytics
Fall '17
Operating Systems
Spring '17
Text Analytics
Fall '16
Operating Systems
Spring '16
Text Analytics | Syllabus
Spring '14
Databases (@ University of Florida)
Dr. Christan Grant is the Arnold and Lisa Goldberg Rising Star Associate Professor at the University of Florida Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering. Dr. Grant leads the UF Data Studio. In this role, he conducts research on various aspects of the data pipeline, including data acquisition, labeling, interactive machine learning, and visualization.

For more details, visit the UF Data Studio and the OU Data Lab website.

Check out my latest CV for more info on me (Curriculum vitae)


 7/24 :: Thanks Google AI for awarding the UF Data Studio a PaliGemma Academic Program GCP Credit Award!
 6/24 :: I am at NAACL in Mexico City 🇲🇽 presenting our poster!
 5/24 :: The UF Data Studio Paper Analyzing Finetuned Vision Models for Mixtec Codex Interpretation is accepted to the 4th Workshop on NLP for Indigenous Languages of the Americas AmericasNLP. ☝️.
 2/24 :: Congrats to Tony Bai on his paper M3: A Multi-Task Mixed-Objective Learning Framework for Open-Domain Multi-Hop Dense Sentence Retrieval being accepted to LREC-COLING 2024. 🙌 .
 8/23 :: 👋 Come find me at KDD 2023 in Long Beach, CA.
 8/23 :: I am 🫡 recruiting a PhD Student to join the Data Studio.Check out the advertisement.
 5/23 :: Congratulations to Dr. DeHart and Dr. Xu on completing their doctorates!
 1/23 :: I joined the Univeristy of Florida CISE department as an associate professor.
 5/22 :: I was promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure in the School of Computer Science.
 3/22 :: I will be serving on the CIKM 2022 Program committee.
 2/22 :: Our paper on analyzing the aspirations of cities that want to be "smart" was published in IARIA Journals.
 1/22 :: I will be serving on OU's Presidential Professorship Selection Committee.
12/21 :: The Distributed Operating System created Fantastic Final Projects -- they made a game called Asynchronous Chess.
12/21 :: Jasmine DeHart created a creative presentation of her paper at BigData 2021.

Visit the studio webpage for a list of current papers →

Some Recent Service

 12/22 :: I will be serving on the ACM FAccT 2023 Program committee.
 08/22 :: I will serve as Senior Area Chair for EACL 2023.
 08/22 :: I will serve as Academic chair for the Tapia Conference Program committee.
 1/22 :: Program Committee :: Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT).
 9/21 :: Program Committee :: IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData).
 7/21 :: Scholarship Chair :: Tapia Conference.